Any number of people have written about this Sims family. Here is a
partical list of books and people who have worked on this family. Henry
Upson Sims, The Genealogy of the Sims Family; Paul H. Arnot, Notes on the
Sims of Hanover-Louisa Counties. William H. Back and William W. Jones,
Walton-Sims of Eastern Virginia; Billie Louise and Robert Jones Owen,
Sims Kin, The Descendents of William Symes of Poundsford; Reverend E. M.
Sharp, A History of the Sims Family. Clint Allan Morgan has been hopeful
in putting together.The 1992 International Genealgical Index has many of these children
listed in England and Virginia. The is also some conflict with the IGI
Files, and Broderbund Software Inc., World Family Tree. I do not know who
turned the information over to Broderbund.I would say that some of the biggest question come from Thomas' son
William.Whoever, I believe, turned pedigree 4927 into Broderbund Software Inc.,
has two Sims families mixed together.Thomas and his wife, Amy Bridges, can be found in Broderbund Software,
Inc., Banner Blue Division, World Family Tree Project, Pedigee Chart
0683, Volume 5, First Edition, copyright 1996. Eleven of his children are
He resided for many years in York Co., VA
Information taken from "William Beckwith of VA" by Mahlon G. Erickson