258. Richard Henry BULLOCK III
On 25 Nov 1759, he made application for Bounty Land. It was approved forservice 1758 in Capt. Byrd's regi.
Information on William Shephard Foster and his progeny provided by Fosterresearcher and descendant, Carlton R. Adamson, Sr. [ 1519 Gary Avenue,Nederland, TX 77627. October 1998]
William Shephard Foster served in the North Carolina Militia, 1757 and1758, as a Private in Captain Arthur Johnston's Company from CravenCounty, North Carolina.Deed dated September 18, 1793, Craven County, North Carolina 200 acres inAccomack County, Virginia.
Taxed in Craven County, North Carolina in 1769 & 1770.
1794--NASH COUNTY, NC DEED BOOK 6, PAGE 49: Henry Beckwith of NashCounty to Amos Beckwith of same...8 Nov 1794 for $4 a tract of 300 acreson Pig Basket Creek and Tar River Branch...part of tract granted to HenryBeckwith in 1754.
Witnesses: Lewis Vick and Thomas HartAmos Beckworth along with his two known brothers, Thomas and BollenBeckworth, administered on his father (Henry Beckworth who died abt1796). Henry's will is found in Nash County, NC Wills page 97, datedDec. 18 1789, in which he gives to Amos his Plantation whereon he (Henry)now lives and all the lands now in his possession. Also 1 large ironkettle and his father also desired that his negro man, Ned, be dividedbetween the three sons. All remainder of the estate both goods andchattels to be equally divided between those my children.
Marriages of early Edgcombe Co., NC (Now Nash County) 1733-1868 byWilliams and Griffin, @1958
Amos' will names his 10 children.
The 1790 Census of Nash County, North Carolina, indicates that all 10children are still in household. The 1790 Census lists 5 sons, and 4daughters, Dempsey who was born in 1790 after the census was taken wasnot counted, so it is safe to say he had at least 10 children. He mayhave also had a male child named Amos.
The Roster of Soldiers from Edgecombre and Nash Counties in the War of1812 which was compiled from the Muster Rolls has listed: AMOS BECKWITH,SIXTH REGT. which was taken from Nash County Regt. This Roster alsolist James Beckwith !st from Edgecombre Co., Sion Beckwith Nash County,1st Regt. and Thomas Beckwith 4th Corps, Sixth, 3rd. All of these arebelieved to be Amos's (the first) sons.
If the Amos is not the son of Amos, the first, then Amos himself musthave also participated in the War. Further study and research is neededon this.Nash County Will of Amos Beckwith. Nash County, NC (p.288)
May 20, 1818 Probated August Session 1818
Witnessed: L. F. Ellen and Henry EdwardsIn the name of God, Amen. I Amos Beckwith of the County of Nash, Stateof North Carolina, being weak of body but sound mind and memory andunderstanding considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty ofthe time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs in suchmanner that I may be prepared to die when it please God to call me hencedo make and publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in mannerfollowing, viz:
First: I lend to my beloved wife all the land I now possess during herlifetime and at the expiration thereof to go to my son Dempsey Beckwithand his heirs forever.
Item: I gave to son Henry Beckwith one dollar.
Item: I gave to my daughter Polley Braswell, one dollar. Item: I gaveto my daughter Mourning Sneed, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Thomas Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Willis Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Sion Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my daughter Rhoda Hunt, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my beloved wife Rhoda Beckwith, one bed and furniture toher and her heirs forever. Also my wil and desire is for my son DempseyBeckwith to have all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep afterpaying my just debts to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I also gave to my beloved wife Rodah Beckwith and my son DempseyBeckwith all my household and kitchen furniture to them and their heirsforever.
And lastly I nominate and appoint my son Dempsey Beckwith and my friendPhilander Tisdale my executors of this my last Will and Testament.Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of May 1818, acknowledged to behis last Will and testament in the presence of L. F. Ellen, HenryEdwards. Amos Beckwith
(Seal). Nash County, August Session 1818: The foregoing Will wasexhibited in open court for probate and proven by the oath Ld. F. Ellenand Henry Edwards two subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion orderedto be recorded. attest, Wm. Hall, CC. And is registered in obedience tothe above order. Attest,
Wm. Hall. CC.SUMMARY: 1818- Amos Beckwith died Nash Co., NC Wife Rodah Beckwith
children: Dempsey Beckwith "all lands" after wife's death
Henry Beckwith
Salley Beckwith w of _______Floyd
James Beckwith
Polley Beckwith w of ______Braswell
Mourning Beckwith w of ______Sneed
Thomas Beckwith
Willis Beckwith
Sion Beckwith
Rhoda Beckwith w of _______HuntThe 1800 Nash Co., NC Census shows Amos at 45+ with 3 male chlidren <10,2 male children 10,16, I female child<5, 1 female 10,16 and 1 female16<25, plus his wife who ws 25>45.
(These notes provided by Morris Underwood, a Beckworth decendant, by wayof Hazel Beckworth Clark)