William Sims lived in Virginia and also Georgia and was granted varioustracks of land. In Richmond and Columbia Counties of Georgia he acquiredmore than 9000 acres of land. From Scott's History of Orange County,published in Richmond, Virginia in 1907, on page 60, William's nameappears.
"If Orange County ever sent an organized command to the French andIndian Wars, no record of it has been found. The records do disclosethat sundry of her citizens went to the Wars but always from anothercounty. Among these names is that of Ambrose Powell who was acommissioned officer and, in 1757, William Sims appears as a soldier inHogg's Rangers, Commanded by Ambrose Powell, Gent., staff officer in theVirginia forces." From the Auditer's Journal; August 4, 1782, on file inthe Comptroller General's office at Savannah, Georgia is the followingnote: "The United States due William Sims for hire of a horse forseventy days in the Expedition against East Florida in support of MadAnthony Wayne in his raid on Florida, 1778, five pounds and fiveshillings."Augusta is now in Columbia County, Georgia, but when William lived there
it was Richmond County, Georgia.William's Revolutionary War service: He served under Col. JamesMcNeil who gave a certificate, April 7, 1784, upon which William askedfor Bounty in Washington County and his name is listed in the certifiedlist of Georgia Troops.
Registered May 3, 1815
"In the name of God Amen. I, William Sims senr. of the State ofGeorgia and County of Columbia, being weak in body but of sound mind anddisposing memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testamentand do dispose of the property which it has pleased the Almighty to helpme with in manner and form following,
First- It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid by myexecutors herein after named.
Item- I give and bequeath to my son, Mann Sims, One Dollar to himand his heirs forever.
Item- I give and bequeath to my daughter, Ann Hendly Cowen, OneDollar to her and her heirs forever.
Item- I give and bequeath to my daughter, Peggy Hanson, One Dollarto her and her heirs forever.
Item- I give and bequeath to my son, Lenny Sims, One Dollar to himand his heirs forever.
Item- I give and bequeath to my executors herein after mentioned allthe rest and residue of my real and personal Estate during the life of mydaughter, Aggy Sims, in trust upon the terms, stipulations andconditions, to wit that the whole of my real and personal Estate shall bekept together during the life of my said daughter Aggy and that themaintenance and the surplus if any, shall be applied to the generalimprovement of my Estate at the discretion of my executors. It is alsomy will and desire that my daughter-in-law, Mary Penn Sims, have thecare and direction of my daughter Aggy during her life.
Item- After the death of my daughter Aggy, I give and bequeath thetract of land whereon I now live, containing one hundred and fifty acres(more or less) to my grandson William Sims, (son of Abner Sims) and ifhe should die without heirs then in that case I do give and bequeath tothe next oldest surviving son of my son Abner Sims to him and his heirsforever.
Item- All the rest and residue of my Estate of every description Igive and bequeath (after the death of my daughter Aggy Sims) to mydaughter-in-law, Mary Penn Sims, widow of Abner Sims to her and her heirsforever.
Lastly- I do constitue and appoint my friends, John W. Smith andPeter Crawford, Executors of this my last will and testament herebyrevoking and annulling all other will or wills, heretofore made by me andonly ratifying and confirming this to by my last will and testament. Intestimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day ofMarch, 1813.
Signed, sealed and pronounced by the testator as his last will andtestament in our presence, Thomas Parker, L.B. Smith and Charles T.Bealle." Signed William Sims, Senr.This will filed in Will Book H, pp.335-336, Columbia County, Georgia.
Information on Kimmie and his progeny was updated and obtained frommailing obtained from Carlton R. Adamson, Sr. in October 1998. CarltonR. Adamson, Sr.
1519 Gary Avenue
Nederland, Texas 77627
Kimmie Foster---Will dated March 25, 1816, Probated January 6, 1817,Morgan County, Georgia.
Kimmie Foster deed of 2 salves to Sheppard Foster December 22, 1787,Wilkes County, Georgia. (This Sheppard is likely his brother.)
Kimmie is listed in Census of Craven County, North Carolina in 1770.
Kimmie in Onslow County, North Carolina: December 29, 1783.
Kimmie Foster purchased 50 acres of land on the SW side of Buck Creekwhere he was already living for 45 pounds from Francis and Mary Humphreywhich was land willed to Francis by Thomas Humphrey, desceased.
Kimmie Foster, 1790 North Carolina Census.
Joel Mize reports that Kimmie was known as Kimmie "Missionary" Foster(July 20, 1998)
Compiled by Margaret Barclay 4110 Watt, Waco, Texas, July 1969. AllRights Reserved.
(Provided to me by Elizabeth Fetner 11 Camelia Dr. DeQuincy, LA70633-3036, by way of the late Mattie Rose Ferguson Coon.)Due to the fact that each family unit wanted to use the naems "William","John", and "Roger", it was hard to separate the Lawsons in America.Also a misprint in a reference book caused much confusion, but aftereleveen years the picture emerges quite clearly.
The Lawsons in America were descendants of the Lawson of Brough, orBurgh, Hall, Yorkshire. (*1) The arms are ar. a chevron between 2martlets sable. Crest: 2 arms embowed, couped at the elbow, vestedermin cuff as supporting the hands ppr. a ring of gold, gemmed gu withthe rim the sun in splendor gold. Mottor: Leve et reluis. PatronymicsBrittanica states that Lawson means son of Lawrence and that thepatriarch was John Lawson who lived in the time of Henry III and was Lordof Tawlesgrave, York. From him the existing baronet is lineallydescended. The arms were patented during the time of Elizabeth I.
Brough (pronounced Broog) was originally written de Breux. In the 12thcentury it was changed to de Burgh, sometines de Burg. It means"stronghold" coming from the Roman ruins discovered in the field which isnow called "The Burrs" at Brough. The old Roman Road ran through theplace going through Stamford Bridge, across the ferry to Riding, and downErmine Street on to Lincolnshire. (*2) The de Burgh Family came overwith William the Conquerer. One branch became the Earl of Ulster,marrying in to the Plantaganets and eventually furnished a king. Theother branch stemmed from the man who was one of the signers of the MagnaCarts at Runneymeade. The Lawsons were for generations seated at Burwelland afterward at Alindell, Northumberland, then at Brough Hall, Yorkshire.
WILLIAM LAWSON of Cramlington, tempus Henry VI, married Agnes, daughterand co-heir of William Cramlington, and had a second son,
THOMAS LAWSON of Cramlington, who died in 1489. He married Isabella,daughter of Killinghall of Middleton, St. George's. Their son,
SIR RALPH LAWSON, who was knighted by James I on July 23, 1603, marriedElizabeth, daughter and sole heir of Roger Brough of Brough Hall,Catterick, Yorkshire. They had two daughters (Jane, married ThomasRokeby of Mortham, and Alice, married Thomas Ingleby of Lawkland) andthree sons. Their eldest son,
ROGER LAWSON, was seated at Heaton, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, which wasafterwards sold. He died in London during the lifetime of his father.He married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Constable, Knt. of BurtonConstable, Yorkshire. She died in 1632 at St. Anthony's near Newcastle,which belonged to the family. They had numerous issue. Their eldestson,
HENRY LAWSON, of Brough Hall married Anne, daughter of Robert Hodgson ofHeburne, County of Durham. He died in 1636. Among issue he had Roger,who died young, and Henry, whose widow married the Earl of Derenwater,and whose daughter, Isabella, married Sir John Swinburn. His heir,
JOHN LAWSON, was captain of the horse in the service of Charles I.Brough Hall was sequestered and sold by Cromwell and he was banished in1653. Charles II saw that Brough Hall was returned to him and createdhim Baron of Brough July 6, 1665. In 1660 he married Catherine Howard,third daughter of Sir Wiliam Howard of Naworth Castle, Cumberland, sisterof Charles Howard, Ist Earl of Carlisle, and thegreat-great-?granddaugther of the Archduke of Norfolk through his sonWilliam. She died July 4, 1668.(*13) John died Oct 26, 1698. Theirgrandsons,
(1) HUGH LAWSON, son of John Lawson who went to Ireland and married MaryMcConnell, daughter of John McConnell and ___Caldwell, a cousin ofCromwell, came to America in 1727, first to Lunenburg County, VA, then toRowan County, N.C. where he died about 1770. He married Margaret Moore.(*3)
(2) JOHN LAWSON of St. Peter's Parish, Virginia, having gone there fromLunenburg, and being the husband of Judith Lawson, who married (2)Francis Timberlake of Lancaster County on Mar 9, 1730. John's son,
JOHN LAWSON was baptised Mar 8, 1690 in St. Peter's Parish.(*4) Hemarried Mary ___. John, a surveyor, died between 1740 and 1749 as MaryLAWSON of Lunenburg, later of Halifax, left a will in Halifax datedOctober 15, 1749, showing daughter, Margaret, of Granville, N.C. wife ofJohn Boyd, sons Travis, John, William and David.(*5)
WILLIAM LAWSON was born in Halifax County, Virginia in 1740. He marriedJane Banks in Halifax County May 24, 1759. (*6) William was granted 200acres of land in Wilkes County, Georgia in 1784. (*7) He is listed in theDAR records as being a First Lieutenant in the Second Virginia Regiment,Captain Quarles Company. He had 875 acres in Wilkes County and 575 inWashington County, having petitioned March 25, 1784 that he was aRevolutionary soldier and wanted bounty in Washington County, Georgia.He owned land along Shoulderbone Creek a few miles from where it flowsinto the Oconee River and so did the Fosters. William had claims Nos.1863 of January 14, 1783 for 200 acres, 1994 of November 20, 1784 for 200acres and 2851 of April 1, 1784 for 100 acres for service in the VirginiaContinental line as a private. William's will (*8) dated April 30, 1799and proved Octobert 25, 1800, showing that he died in 1800, names hiswife Jane, sons John, Thomas, William, Mumford, Dudley, David, Francis,and daughters Sarah (Thomas), Mary (Slaughter), Margaret (Bullock) andJane. His daughter,
JANE LAWSON, was born in 1790 in Hancock County, Georgia.(*9) She diedin June 1858 in Woodville, Texas.(*14) She married William Lewis FOSTERin Wilkes County, Georgia on March 11, 1808. (*10) In 1799 Jane wasnamed in the will of her father to receive a negro man and negro woman, abed and furniture, a horse and saddle, 2 cows and 6 calves. She lived inWilkes, Hancock, and Washington Counties, Georgia (*11) until after 1820,when she and her husband and children moved to Monroe County, Georgia.The family moved to Texas after 1837, and between that date and 1845 herhusband died. On September 1, 1845 she petitioned for a land grant,saying that she was a widow, that the family had lived in Texas for over3 years, that the grants petitioned by her late husband, William LewisFoster, were community property and that she was entitled to thecertificates. A 640 acre grant was made, and another grant of a greatdeal more was made as court records indicate several leagues. One grantwas in Liberty County and one in Galveston County but they were finallyclaimed in Angelina and Houston Counties, running together. She made adeed to James Barclay and one to William John Lawson (supposedly her sonby one of her cousins) previous to making her will, in which she left herproperty to her son, William Lewis Foster. Oil was discovered on theproperty later and when the Kirby Lumber Co., and the Houston Oil Co.were attempting to "take it over" Napolean Barclay, son of James, led thecourt fight to retain possession of it. Descendants, which werenumerous, received 16 acres each. Children of Jane were: William JohnLawson, Jeams (who was married and had 5 children when they came toTexas), Shepp, William, Appless (married 1. a McGuire, 2. Russell Sims,a cousin of her Ogden son-in-law), Sarah (married Napoleon Charlton),Nancy (married Jack Beam), "Polly" or Mary (married Lewis Rigsby),"Betsy" or Elizabeth (married William Ferguson), "Jenny" or Virginia(married James Barclay), and Lewis. Dates of William Lewis Foster areunknown but in the 1880 Census of Tyler County, Texas, Mary Foster Rigsbylists her father as being born in Virginia. He died in Texas.
MARY FOSTER (Known as Polly) was born in Wilkes County, Georgia in 1816and married in Monroe County, Georgia on January 9, 1831 to Lewis JohnRigsby. In 1840 they moved to Texas and lived in Angelina County, thenTyler County. She studied the ___ and practice of medicine, specializingin the treatment of women, and treated the ill in her community all ofher life. She was much beloved for her charitable works. She died inTyler County May 3, 1893. Lewis Rigsby was born in North Carolina in1802 and died in Tyler County July 27, 1892. (*12) Children were:Elizabeth Ann (married Jeremiah Todd Barclay), Jeff, Sarah Jane,_______(married a Burke then a Millener), John Lewis, Franklin, Wyley
(married Sallie Good), ?Shep Monroe (married Mildred Bradshaw), Emily,Anne (married Jim Grolsbey?), Frankie and William. She had one set oftriplets and several sets of twins in this group.ELIZABETH ANN RIGSBY was born July 13, 1833 in Monroe County, Georgia anddied Jan 31, 1890 in Barclay, Falls County, Texas. She was marriedJanuary 10, 1849 to Jeremiah Todd Barclay (born July 1, 1826 in Alabama)who was killed on election day, August 3, 1850 by a disgruntled candidatenamed Hanks. She married January 15, 1857 Thomas Franklin Herring (September 12, 1833-188-). Children of this last marriage were Lewis,Cora (married Jake French), Charles, Clinton, Lawrence Rice. She was anaccomplished violinist and taught music to all of her children. She hadthem read classics and study the dictionary as they could not go tocollege.
WILLIAM ANDERSON BARCLAY was born in Tyler County December 23, 1849 anddied in Waco, Texas October 24, 1927. He married Martha King Ledbetter(born September 2, 1851 in Tennesee, died July 16, 1934 in Temple,Texas), and both are buried on a family plot in Temple, Texas. Childrenof this union were Isaac Cramer (died in childhood), Goodhue Wilson,Rigsby Ledbetter, Woodleif Foy and Bernice Martha (married James B.Whitley; only child, James Barclay, d. at Corregedor, Phillipines inWorld War II).
WOODLIEF FOY BARCLAY was born at Barclay, Texas December 24, 1882, diedin Waco, Texas April 5, 1957, and is buried on the Barclay plot inTemple, Texas. He married Margaret Helen McGregor August 4, 1904.Children of this union: Margaret MacGregor and Martha Louise.
VIRGINIA ANN AMERICA FOSTER was born in Georgia February 1, 1827, anddied in Texas October 15, 1867. She married James Barclay (born February11, 1816 in Tennesee, died December 14, 1873 in Tyler County, Texas) in1841. Their daughter,
PHOEBE ARIZONA BARCLAY was born April 13, 1859, Tyler County, Texas anddied November 19, 1947. She married February 12, 1880 T. B. Bevil (bornSeptember 12, 1856, died April 5, 1940). Their daughter,
HAZEL BEVIL married Carl Hickman.
(*1). "History of Halifax County" by Carrington, page 226. HabershamChapter, DAR of Georgia, Virginia Magazine of History, Vol. IV, pages313, 314, and William and Mary Quarterly, Series I, Vol., 18, page 237,state that the Lawsons spread out over Virginia but all were descendantsof Roger LAWSON of Brough Hall.
(*2). Book on derivation of English names, University of Texas Library.
(*3). John Goodwin Herndon's excellent account of the Lawsons statesthat Hugh Lawson was born in Ulster, came to America in 1727 aboard the"George __Anne". Lived for a while in Chester, Pennsylvania, moved toVirginia in 1743, became presiding Judge of the first court of LunenburgCounty, a member of the Virginia Assemblys51746, remained in Lunenburguntil at least 1751, obtained land grants in Rowan County, North Carolinain 1755 and 1757, a 350 acre grant in 1759. He died in Salisbury, NorthCarolina where his will is recorded.
(*4). Meade's "Churches of Virginia" states also, that he was a cousinof Hugh Lawson of Lunenburg.
(*5). Will Book I, Halifax County, Virginia, page 36; Cumberland ParishRegister, page 316.
(*6). Tyler Historical Quarterly, Vol 15, page 117; Halifax MarriageBonds. George Mays was surety.
(*7). Wilkes County Records, Book 3-E, page 242. This was in HancockCounty after 1793. In 1795 Jean (Jane) Lawson made a tax return for herhusband, William, for 9 slaves, 492 acres in Hancock County.
(*8). Hancock County, Georgia. Will Book AAA, page 20.
(*9). 1850 Census of Texas.
(*10). Wilkes County, Georgia. First Marriage Book, page 52. "EarlyRecords of Wilkes County misprints this date as 1818. ALL other 1818marriages are shown as taken from later pages.
(*11). These counties were all formed out of each other and theboundaries changed back and forth several decades.
(*12). Newspaper clipping at time of her death.
(*13). See Burke's "Peerage and Gentry" and Doyle's "Complete Peerage"for Howard lineage. Lineage was printed in several books, supplied bythe Hugh Lawson line, is incorrect for marrieages and descent during thePlantagenet period. A complete chart has been compiled and verified byDoyle, Burke, and the "Extinct Peerage" by Margaret Barclay, 4110 Watt,Waco, Texas.
(*14). Page 547. Book B, Probate Minutes, Woodville, Tyler County, TX.Jane Foster, mother of James, died June 1858.
Source #1
Newton County, Texas Census; Household #173-173
(lists Friend McMahon and Margaret)
Last Will and Testament of William Friend
Contributed by Mary GallagherIn the Name of God Amen
I Friend MCMAHON, Sr. of the County of Newton and State of Texas being inmy usual good health of body and of sound and disposig mind and memoryand being desirous to settle and fix my worldly affairs whilst I havestrength and capacity so to do, do make and publish this my last will andTestament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made.
And first and principally I commit my soul unto the hands and care of myCreator who gave it; and my body to the Earth to be buried in a plaindecent manner, And as regards such worldly Estate wherewith it hathpleased God to entrust me, I dispose of the same as followeth (To wit)
First. It is my will that my son James MCMAHON shall heir and possess mywhole and entire Estate both real personal and mixed. I therefore givewithout reserve to my Son James MCMAHON my whole and entire Estate to ownuse and dispose of, manage and control as he pleases.
Second. It is my will that at my demise this my last will and Testamentshall be probated at the will of my Executor and that no further actionshall be required to make inventory of or give bond and security for saidEstate, but exercise and enjoy the same without legal cost.
Third. I do hereby make and ordain my Son James MCMAHON my Executor tothis my last will and Testament.
Done, made and executed by me on this 10th day of December, A.D., 1859with my own signature and seal in the presence of the SubscribingWitnesses.
/s/Friend MCMAHON, Sr (Seal)
/s/Adam ADAMS
1. The 1810 and 1820 Census Records show a Henry Beckworth inMarion Co., SC
2. "Some South Carolina County Records"; Vol. 2; The Rev SilasEmmett Lucas Jr., Editor; shows a Henry Beckworth on the 1811 MarionDistrict, Texas List; pg 287; for $.15; and 1814 Marion District, TaxList; pg 293; for $2.25; and the 1824 Marion District, Tax List; pg 299;shows a Morning Beckworth (maybe Henry's wife) for $1.87.
3. the above notes provided by Allison Beckworth of South Carolina
Source #2:
Probate Record 1803-1845 Marion Co., SC, pp 141-142, 1822, LW&T of HenryBeckwithHenry Beckwith of the same State and District having been takendangerously ill and not having a favorable opportunity to commist hiswill in writing did call in John Hamilton, Martha Hamilton, and ThomasHarlee as witnesses to his nuncupative will which was devised in thefollowing manner.
First to his belovd wife Mourning Beckwith, he gave and bequeathed onfeather bed and furniture and four cows and calves to be chosen byherself out of his stock. One young sorrell mare and to live on theplantation as long as she chose and to be supported out of his propertynext year. He also loaned to his said wife Mourning, during her naturallife, one Negro woman Dinah and at her death he gave the said Dinah tohis daughter Martha Jane.
Secondly to his beloved son Hansel Beckwith, he gave and bequeathed aNegro child wich his Negro woman Bede is now pregnant with if it hsouldlive to him and his heirs and apagres forever.
Thirdly to his daughter Francis Ridgell, one Negro woman named Bede butnot her child which she is pregnant with which is previously disposed ofto son Hansel Beckwith. To his son Amos Beckwith he gave and bequeathedone Negro man named Ned, one Negro girl named Grace and one hundreddollars. He further bequeathed that all his debts which are owing to himshould be collected and all his just debts should be paid and theremaining part of his personal and perishable property should be sold andthe monies arising therefrom and all the monies arising from my Estateafter paying his just debts to be equally divided (except one hundreddollars which he before bequeathed to Amos Beckwith) between his threechildren Hansel, Sarah Pate and Rhoda Henderson. He further gave andbequeathed after the death of his wife Mourning to be equalle dividedbetween his two children Amos Beckwith and Martha Jane Beckwith all hislands whereon he then lived at the time of his death.
Lastly he constituted David S. Harllee and John Hamilton executors of hislast Will and Testament. The above Nuncupative will was made anddeclared the 13th of February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty two(1822) in the forty seventh year of the American Independance inpresence of us who have hereunto set our hands as witnesses to the samethis 16th day of February 1822. Oaths etc need to be added.
(Will Book #7 Page 141 Marion County South Carolina)
According to an email from Ray Hunt
dated 9/30/98,Mourning Hurt is probably Mourning Hunt.
176. John Philip Casper BYERLY
Information updated from letter and genealogy of Joseph Edward Lamb andwife Elnor Byerly Lamb. (August 1998). Email address:
. ************************************
Last Will and Testament of John Philip CasperByerlyIn the name of God Amen I Casper Byerly Senr of the State ofSouth Carolina and
Newberry District being very sick and weak of body but ofperfect mind and memory
thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of mybody and knowing that it
is apointed for all men once to die make and ordain this mylast Will and Testament
that is to say - Principally and first of all - I do herebyrecommend my Soul into
the hands of the almighty God that gave it and my body Irecommend to the earth, to
be buried in decent Christian manner at the discretion of myexecutors, nothing
doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive thesame again by the
mighty power of God and so touching such worldly estate as ithas pleased God to
bless me in this life I give, demise, and despose of the samein the following
manner and form .....First, I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughterElisabeth Byerly one negro
wench named Sall - two cows and calves to be hers and herheirsSecondly, I give to my beloved son John Byerly a negro boynamed Peter, one sorrel
horse called Prushia to be his and his heirs.Thirdly, I give to my son Frederick Byerly, one negro child ofthe increase of the
above named Sall, if any there should be. Also one horse, anote of hand from John
Hipp. Also one hundred acres of land to be divided between himand his brother John
Byerley each 50 acres.Fourthly, I give to my beloved daughter Margretta one negrogirl named Milly, one
cow and calf ....Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Byerlyone negro woman named
Doll and if said woman should have any more increase she togive one child to my
daughter Magdelena ...Sixthly, I give to my beloved daughter Magdelena one cow andcalf and one negro
child if so be the above named Doll increases heareafter.Seventhly, I give to my son Martin five shilling sterling soalso a negro girl
named Pegg on provison he gives to my son namely Sibert andGasper Byerly one child
to each of the increase of said negro girl named Pegg.Also I give to my son Gasper Byerly five shillings sterling toalso I give to my
son Sibert Byerly five shillings sterling to his portion outof my estate. Also I
give to my beloved son John Byerly one negro boy named Cato,as also he himself
John Byerly and Frederick Byerly to have equal share in thewaggon. Gaspur Byerly
to live in my present dwelling house as long as he sees cause.Lastly I constitute, make and ordain John Moretz Hartman andJohn Hipp the sole
executors of this my last will and testament and I do herebyutterly disallow,
revoke, and disanull all and every other former testament,wills, legacies,
bequests, and executors by me in any wise here to fore named,willed, bequeathed,
testifying & confirming this and no other to be my last willand testament. In
witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal thistwelth day of January
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.Signed sealed
published pronounced and declared by the said Casper Byerly ashis last will and
testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in thepresence of each
other have here unto subscribed our name.Signed by Peter Dickert, Henry Furr, Ulrich Kuhn, CasperByerly, recorded in will
book E page 59, proved March 12, 1804.*******************************
Origin of the Byerley Name
There are several different opinions as to the source of theByerley name. It may
be from an old Germanic word for farmer. The name could alsobe a variant of
Baierle, which means Bavarian. This name applied to someonewho moved from Bavaria
in the eighth thru twelth century. The "le" implies little,younger, junior, such
as son of Beyrer. In modern Germany, the prevalant spellinghas been Beierle and
Beyerle.According to Col. Henry W. Schoemaker, a relative of theByerleys via his aunt
Hannah Shoemaker (married to Daniel Byerley of Schuylkill,PA), the earlier roots
of the family name appears among the Hugenots of France in aRoman tribe named
Berlius. In an address to the Bierly family reunion atMcElhatte, Pennsylvania on
August 16, 1922, he provided information about this family. Inthat address Col.
Schoemaker stated this:"In A.D. 49, to be exact, when Pompey carried on hissuccessful rebellion
against Caesar's lieutenant, Trebonius, there was acertain Roman tribune
named Berlius who was one of the provost guards of theancient city of
Massilia, now called Marseilles, which was wrestled fromPompey's rebels.
Berlius was a Roman of the old type, sturdy anduncompromising, and it is
from him that the Bierlys of today, in France, Germanyand Italy claim
descent.""The immediate descendants acquired considerable propertyin the vicinity
of the Rhone Delta. As the family spread, the name tookon varied
spellings. In the mountains of Northern Italy the namewas Berli and
Borelli; In Switzerland, Beyerely, Baehrli, or Barly; InEngland and
Ireland, Byerly; In the Germanic Rhineland area, (fromwhere most of the
Byerlys came), Beyerle, Beierle, Beyrer, Bierly, Bahrle,Bierleh and other
spellings."Dr. Alpheus E. Byerly states that the Byerly family enteredEngland at the time of
or shortly before the Norman Conquest in 1064. In England thename is associated
with the war-horse, Byerley-Turk. The horse was brought fromTurkey to England in
1688 by Captain Robert Byerley.*****************************************
Caspar Philip Byerley was born around 1725 in
Germany. On November 7, 1752 he arrived inthe New
World, America, aboard the ship "Caldeonia",in
Charleston, South Carolina. The exact area in
Germany that he migrated from is unknown.Magdalane
Stoudenmeyer, another passenger aboard the
"Caldeonia", said that she was "from one ofthe
towns of the Duchy of Willembergh". Shepetitioned
the South Carolina Council for land on thesame day
as Caspar. During his lifetime, CasparByerley
purchased and sold several parcels of landin the
Newberry County, South Carolina area. Returnnumber
93, captured on page 102 of the entry bookfor
Revolutionary Claims filed in South Carolinashows
that on December 31, 1785 Caspar Byerlyfiled a
claim for services in the revolutionary war.Caspar Philip Byerley was married twice,first to a
woman named Catherine (no actual proofexists for
this marriage though records show that he was
married twice), and second to Mary Easter.In 1785
he filed a Revolutionary War Claim in South
Carolina. He died March 1804 in NewberryCounty,
South Carolina. His will was proven inNewberry
County in 1804 and contains references tohis wife
Mary and his 9 children.***********************************
The Information above was obtained from Teresa Barley for GenealogyCyber Connection.http://www.tennessee-connection.com/byerley/byerley.htm
Information obtained in gedcom and email from Helen Anderson. Helen liststhe following sources for her information.
Source #1: Information on Newit and Eunice, born 1726, was obtained fromTheodore Thompson (Email dated 12-24-98) and from his info given to WorldFamily Tree Vol. 25, Pedigree 2362.
Thomas D. and his wife Nancy married in 1799 in South Carolina. Theymoved to Alabama for a while, then to Louisiana. The moved to Texas whenit was still a Mexican Territory to apply for a Mexican Land Grant, butwas denied and returned to Louisiana. After his death, Nancy settled inLiberty and Hardin Counties of Texas after it was made a state.
Last Will and Testament ofThomas Goin
May 13 1826
Probated in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana"State of Louisiana }
Lafayette Parish }Be it remembered that on this eighteenth Day of May Anno Domini OneThousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six Before me, Thomas B. Brashear,Judge of the Parish of Lafayette and Ex-officio Notary Public within andfor said Parish personally came and appeared James Taylor White, one ofthe Testamentary executors of the last will and testament of ThomasGowens, late of said parish, deceased and also appeared Nancy Gowenswidow of said deceased and Stephen Gowens, Aramintha Gowens and SallyGowens of full age, Thomas Gowens, nineteen years of age, dulyemancipated and aided and assisted in these presents by Lancelot Porter,his special curator, also Anne Gowens of the Province of Texas and dulyrepresented in these presents by her curatrix and mother, Nancy Gowens,all of the legal heirs and descendants of the said deceased who havedeclared and confessed that on the 22nd day of May 1825 the said ThomasGowens Sen. did execute his last will and testament by which hebequeathed and divided his title property as follows, viz:
Item 1st of said will: He gave to Nancy Gowens, his widow the followingslaves, to wit: the Negro woman named Plians, aged about thirty-fiveyears, the Negro boy named Abraham, about fourteen years of age, and theNegro girl named Violet, aged about eleven years, all slaves for life,also the household and kitchen furniture.
Item 2nd: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter, Anny Gowens, the Negrogirl named Clarinda, aged about six years,
Item 3rd: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter Aramintha Gowens oneNegro boy names Aury, aged five years.
Item 4th: He gave and bequeathed to his son Stephen Gowens one Negro boynamed Roger, aged ten years.
Item 5th: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter Sally Gowens a Negrogirl named Kitty, aged seven years.
Item 6th: He gave and bequeathed to his son, Thomas Gowens a Negro boynamed Riley, aged four years which concluded all the property of theTestator aforesaid.
And the aforesaid affirm in their different rights and capacities, thateach of them for themselves and others, Viz:
Represent that they received the foregoing portion of the propertyaforesaid. Confirmed is the will of siad Testator and do by thesepresents make the same irrevocable and unalteralbe. This done on motionof an order of the Court of Probate dated this __ day of May instant andsigned by all the aforesaid parties in the presence of the TwoSubscribing Witnesses and the said Notary after said due reading.Witnessed:
John MerrimanNancy [x] Gowens
James T. WhiteSally [x] Gowens
Samuel W. PondAramintha [x] GowensStephen [x] Gowens
Thomas [x] Gowens
They lived in St. Martins, and Lafayette Parishes in Lousiana aftermoving from South Carolina. Nancy and her family were granted 14,000acres of land in Hardin County, (Big Thicket area)Texas once it became astate.