Mann Sims, together with wife Margaret, owened many acres of land inRichmond and Columbia counties. Part of this land was original landgrants to Mann.
written: May 15, 1822
proved: March 3, 1823 in the County of Columbia,Georgia State"I, Mann Sims, of said state and county, being at this time intolerable health of body and of perfect mind and disposing memory, butcalling to mind the uncertainty of death and wishing to preserve harmonyand contentment in family after my departure---bequeath my soul to God.
First, Beloved wife, Margaret, Negro girl Salina, to despose of ather death as she thinks proper.
Second, All remainder of real and personal property to wife duringher life or while she remains a widow.
Third, To son, William Sims, one Negro man Steppe, a horse to thevalue of $50.00, a good saddle and bridle, two cows and calves, sow andpigs.
Fourth, To son, John Sims, 200 acre tract of land in Warren Countyon Ogeechee River, one Negro woman Sook and her child Cinda.
Fifth, To son, Horatio, two Negroes Peter and Lydia, also twoNegroes he has in his possession, named Lucy and George, against whomthere are two judgments, but when these are paid his is to remain in fulland free possession of said Negroes. Tract of greenbrier Creek.
Sixth, Daughter Susan Pullin, one Negro man, George and girl, Nellyand $500.00.
Seventh, son Ninian Sims, one Negro man Dick, a horse, bridle andsaddle and $250.00, tow cows and calves, sow and pigs.
Eighth, Daughter, Mary Ann Sims, four Negroes; Dave, Judy, Sidneyand Mary, a horse worth $50.00, saddle and bridle, two cows and calves, asow and pigs.
Wife, Margaret, Executrix, sons, John and Horatio, Executors andfriend Arthur Foster."
Signed, Mann Sims
Witnessed: Mary Foster, Ann Davis, Jacob Downs,Arthur Foster.This will recorded in Will Book W, pp.79-83, Columbia County, Georgia.
1850 Tyler County Texas Census household #25-25 lists Jane FOSTER and herchildren. Her Husband William Lewis Foster must have died before the1850 Census was taken. Other researchers have added information to theorginial Census such as: b., d., b., (m) (1/m)(2/m)
Jane (LAWSON) 60 f GA $3000
b. __ ___ 1790
d. __ Jun 1858
(m) 11 Mar 1808Wilkes Co. GALewis T. (/Thomas) 20 m GA farmer
(1/m) __ ___ ____
Mary Eliz. PRUETT
(2/m) __ ___ ____
Martha Ann WARD
Martha J. (/Jane)("Janie") 15 f GA
(m) 17 Aug 1853
John 22 m GA farmer
According to Carlton R. Adamson, Sr. (Foster Researcher), Jane LawsonFoster received a land grant from Texas on September 1, 1845 [Foundersand Patriots of the Republic of Texas].-------------------------------------
Then Margaret Barcley says something mysterious: (Jane Lawson Foster)
"made a deed to James Barclay and one to William John Lawson - supposedlyher
son by a cousin of hers - previous to making her will, in which she lefther property
to her son, William Lewis........" And she lists William John Lawson as
Jane's eldest child.
(Information provided to me by Elizabeth Fetner : "Elizabeth"28 Jun 1999.)
74. William Bruce , Sr. MCMAHON
Source #1
Texas GenWeb Project; Newton County 1850 Living Census:
Source #2
Newton County Texas 1850 Census; Household #12-12
(lists: Wm B., Annie B., and children: John W., Wm F., Mary,Isaac S., Margarett F., James P., Hester Ann)
Source #1
Miller.Gedcom of L. C. Platt on the internet. Email address: L. C. Platt. James Miller and his progeny.
Source #1
Information obtained from Morris Underwood, Beckworth Descendant andAllison Beckworth of South Carolina who obtained his information from"William Beckwith of VA" by Mahlon G. Erickson.
Notes: He is listed as a Private in the Creek War. Capt. Butt's Company,2nd Reg't (Williamson's) GA. Vols., (3 Mos. 1836). He is on the CompanyMuster-in Roll at Columbus, GA, June 11, 1836 and July 7, 1836. CardNos. 12443930& 12444046 from the National Archives in Washington D.C.------------------------------------------------------------
From Georgia Dept. of Archives & History, Atlanta, GA we find - inOrdinary Court minutes for 1858-1868 pages 237, 238Court of Ordinary in vacation - Georgia Glascock County
To the Ordinary of said County the Petition of Ananias Beckworth showeththat Hansel Beckworth Sr resident of said county departed this life onthe ____day of Oct 1866 leaving your petitioner one of the next of Kinand also leaving a considerable Estate of real and personal propertyworth the sum of Eight hundred dollars and at the time of death of saidHansel Beckworth he was entirely entestate as your petitioner believesand herein alleges. Wherefore he prays the usual citation in such case-- issue that he may obtain permanent letters of Administration on HanselBeckworths estate and your petitioner will ever prayOct 26, 1866 Ananias Beckworth
October 26, 1866
The application of Ananias Beckworth for Temporary letters ofAdministration on estate of Hansel Beckworth late of siad county beingbefore me for motion ? and being satisfied that his application should begranted.
It is therefore ordered that Temporary letters of Administration - - - -on estate of Hansel Beckworth issue to Ananias Beckworth upon his givingBond and Security in the Sum of one Thousand dollars with EzekielMatthews as his security and that he take the usual oath of office.Seaborn Kitchens
Clerk of Ordinary-----------------------------------------------------------
Ananias then took an oath which was subscribed before Seaborn Kitchens,Clerk of Ordinary 26 Octobert 1866.Then on the same day upon his application it was ordered that Bize ? B.Kitchens Charles H. Kitchens James M. Nunn William R. Hunter ? and JohnW. Jackson be and they were appointed as appraisers to appraise theestate of Hansel Beckworth - - deceased and ordered that a warrant ofappraisement issue to them for the purpose on October 26, 1866; again bySeaborn Kitchens, Clerk of the Ordinary.
Ananias was granted leave to sell the perishable property of estate ofsaid deceased provided that he give at least ten days notice of the timeand place of said sale at three of the most public places in the county.
Seaborn Kitchens
The Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Hansel Beckworth wasfiled on November 10, 1866, Recorded January 10 1867 by Seaborn Kitchens,Ordinary.The Sale Bill of the estate was Subscribed and Sworn before SeabornKitchens, Ordinary on November 10, 1866. Examined approved and recordedon January 10, 1867 by Seaborn Kitchens, Ordinary. A number of familymembers are listed on the Sale Bill.
There were also a number of other Miscellaneous Estate Records.
Martin S. Byerly along with his two sons, William and Adam Byerly, movedto Texas from South Carolina, in 1833.
The Texas Historical Commission has erected a marker in the ByerlyCampground Cemetary, which tells the following history:
"Adam Byerly migrated to Texas from South Carolina in 1833 with hisfather and two younger brothers. He received a mexican land grant ofone-quarter league in 1835. Shortly afterward, he invited the ReverandHenry Stephenson, early Methodist missionary, to preach under a brushaubor on his property and initiated the first of many camp meetings atthis site. Pioneer families travelled by wagon and camped here for aweek or longer to worship and socialize. At one meeting about 1937, theReverand Stephenson's daughter, Edith (1814-1858) married Adam Byerly'sbrother William (1805-1884).
In 1843 Adam and his wife Nancy deeded 10 acres, including thecampground site, to the Methodist Episcopal church. About 1850, theMethodists erected a frame church building and opened this cemetary forcommunity use. Earliest known grave is that of Edith Stephenson Byerly.
Several faiths shared use of the church building form 1898 to 1937,the structure also housed the community school. Camp meetings ended inthe 1930's. The methodist congregation erected a new church in 1948 onland donated by William Byerly's grandson, Adam, and the old building wasrazed. A cemetary association formed in 1970, maintains the burialground. (1977)"
Source #2
COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project withpermission
The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio,
801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Census of Jasper, Municipality of Bevil, May 1, 1835.
Nacogdoches Archives, Vol. 85, pp. 247-300.
Martin BIERLY, Widower Farmer 70
Sally BIERLY,35
Betsy Ann BIERLY,1
Adam BIERLY, Single Farmer 30
Negroes, 8 (4 males, 4 females)
William BIERLY, Single Farmer 25Thomas BIERLY, Married Farmer 27
Matilda HAGOOD, "20
William BYERLY,2
Mary HAGOOD,15Henry HAGOOD Single Farmer 21
COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project withpermission
The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio,
801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Census of Jasper, Municipality of Bevil, May 1, 1835.
Nacogdoches Archives, Vol. 85, pp. 247-300.
Edward GOOD, Married House Joiner 54
Nancy DAUGHITY, "48
Harriet C. GOOD,17
Louisa C. GOOD,15
Joseph W. GOOD,13
Minor P. GOOD,9
Negroes, 4
Written 17 June 1859,
Recorded 30 January 1860
Jasper County, TX
Probate Records Book C pg. 282-284IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD GOOD DECEASED
And now comes Joseph W. Good and Louisa D. C. Good and offers thelast will and testament of Edward Good deceased.
And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the noticerequired by law had been given and there being no objection made to theprobate of the said will, and the same having been proven as the lawdirects by the oath of Hardy Pace one of the subscribing witnesses tosaid will and testament.
It was therefore ordered adjuged and decreed by the court that thesaid last will and testament of Edward Good deceased be and is herebyadmitted to probate and it is further ordered by the court that the samebe recorded.
STATE OF TEXAS ) June the 17th 1859
JASPER COUNTY )In the name of God Amen. I Edward Good being of sound mind understanding, and being also impressed with the great uncertainty of life andthe certainty of death, and being desirous to dispose of my temporalaffairs so that after my death no contention may arise relative to thesame.
First: I bequeath my soul to God who gave and my body to the dustfrom whence it was taken, hoping for a happy immortality through theatonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My desire is that I beburied by the side of my dear departed wife in our family grave yard.
Secondly: that all my just debts be paid out of my personal estate,by my executors herein after named.
Thirdly: In consideration of the long and faithful service of mynegro man Jess and his wife Aggy if they should be alive at my decease itis my desire and will that they never be separated and I do give andgrant to them the privilege of choosing which one of my children they maydesire to live with, and that they are not be accounted for in thepartition by the child they select, but he or she to take care of andprovide for them in their old age.
Fourthly: I desire that the balance of my negros be as equallydivided as can be between my children that has helped me to raise them towit: Hannibal Good, James D. Good, Harriet C. Stephenson, Louisa D. C.Good, Joseph W. Good and Minor P. Good share and share alike, and to theheirs of my deceased daughter Rebecca Brown I give and bequeath oneseventh part of the appraised value of the negros divided as aboveprovided for, to be paid to them out of my estate in cash to be paid tothem in one year from my decease, and my reason for not giving to themone of my negros is that some of them is now of age and the negro wouldhave to be sold for partition among and leaving to them the full worth ortheirs mothers part in money they should not think I have neglected them,and I direct my executor hereafter named to retain in their handssufficient of my estate to pay the above bequest.
Fifthly: I desire that the balance of my property be equally dividedin seven parts one for each of my children and one for the heirs of mydeceased daughter Rebecca Brown.
Sixthly: It is my earnest desire and wish that all the abovepartition and distribution of my property to be made by my childrenthemselves, they certainly being as capable of doing so as other people.
Seventhly: I appoint my son Joseph W. Good and my daughter Louisa D.C. Good executor of this my last will and testament and that no securityor bond shall be requested of them for the faithful execution of thetrust herein reposed in them, and it is my desire that there shall be noadministration of my estate and that my exectors be only required tosettle with the minor heirs of my deceased daughter Rebecca Brown, butshall not in any manner be required to report any of their proceeding toany court whatever (the words "More than the probate" in the above lineerased before signed). In testimony whereof I have
on this 17th day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, setmy hand and affix my seal using a scrawl for a seal, hereby revoking allwills heretofore made by me in presence of these subscribing witnessess.H. Good Edward Good Seal
Samuel Good
Minor P. Good
JASPER COUNTY )Before me Gideon J. Good Chief Justice in and for said Countypersonally appeared Hardy Pace to me well known and being by me dulysworn upon his aoth says that Edward Good acknowledged the within andforegoing instrument of writing to be his last will and testament andthat he signed the same as a witness at the request of the said EdwardGood and that he believes that the said Edward Good was of sound mind andmemory at the time he made the declaration to him that the same was hislast will and testament.
Hardy Pace
Sworn to and subscribed before me
on this January 30th 1860 test
my hand and official seal
(L.S.) G. J. Goode Chief Justice J. C.I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the originalwill of Edward Good and also of the affidavit of Hardy Pace andcertificate of G. J. Goode Chief Justice of Jasper County there untoappended given under my hand this 30th day of January A. D. 1860.
H. Good Clerk Co. Court J. C
Film number 1005133: Jasper County Probate Records Volumes A-C
Viewed at the Beaverton Stake Family History Center in Beaverton, OR onNovember 10, 1996.
Information obtained in gedcom and email from Helen Anderson. Helen liststhe following sources for her information.
Source #1: Listed on MS 1860 Mortality Schedule as dead of old age at age95, in Mississippi Lawrence County. Also lists birth in North Carolina,but census records list South Carolina as place of birth.
Source #2: Listed on the following Federal Census Records:
1820 Lawrence County Mississippi Federal Census; Page 60, Page 00057
1830 Lawrence County Mississippi Federal Census; Page 421
1840 Lawrence County Mississippi Federal Census; Page 076
In an 1850 Lawrence County , Mississippi Census microfilm, I found thefollowing:
visit #142
ORREN, MARY---age 53---female---Farmer---Personal EstateValue=$800---Birth Arkansas
ROMALEY ORREN---age 26---male---birth, North Carolina
ROBERT ORREN---age 22---male---birth, North Carolina
AMANDA ORREN---age 21---female---birth, North Carolina
WILLIAM ORREN---age 18---male---birth, North Carolina
(No husband listed with family. William Orren must have died before the1850 Census was taken.)