Information on John Sims' first wife, Ann or Anna ?Robertson? (not sure)and their children, was provided in an email dated 17 May 1998, fromSarah Cannon
. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is not known when or where John moved westward. He married a youngwidow, Apoles Foster McGough, with a girl-child and lived for some timenear Woodville, Texas on a farm in the piney woods. His wife give him alarge family, including two sets of twins. He died close to the birth ofhis last set of twins and was buried in an unmarked grave in one of hisfields.
According to a 1950 Tyler County Texas Census, His name is idenified asJames Mann Sims, not John. I'm not sure if that information isaccurate. Most sources that I have found show John.
[Source of information at following website :]
Appless remarried after the death of John Sims. She is buried in asmall country burying ground outside of Woodville, Texas, beside herchild, James Russell Jr. Her stone reads: "Blessed are the Dead who diein the Lord."
Jacob and his family moved to Tyler County Texas in 1853.
Source #1:
1860 Newton County Texas Census Houshold #215-215
Kerr Birde 52 M Farmer SC
Nancy 40 F AR
Sarah 18 F TX
Louisa 14 F TX
James 10 M TX
John 9 M TX
Davide 5 M TX
Martha 2 F TX
Tabitha 8/12 F TX
Source #2:
Book: "Some Early Southeast Texas Families" *Wilson. page 20-21.
1850 Newton County Texas Census
John B. (Byrd)43 m SC Farmer $400
(b) __ ___ 1808
(d) __ ___ 1895
(f) James KERR
(m) Sarah BYRD
Nancy (McMAHON) 30 f AR
(b) __ ___ 1820
(d) __ ___ 1891
(f) William B. McMAHON
Sarah Jane 7 f TX
(m) 27 Jun 1867 NCT
William T. BURNHAM
Mary Ann E. 6 f TX
(1/m) 16 Feb 1860 NCT
Matthew FAVORS
(2/m) __ ___ ____
John Wesley CAMPBELL
(3/m) 30 AUG 1880 NCT
Louisa Matilda 5 f TX
(m) 18 Feb 1867 NCT
Jonathan BEARDON
James Henry 1 m TX
(b) 15 Oct 1850 (?)
(d) 2 Nov 1891
(m) 30 Dec 1874 NCT
Martha Ann HALL
38. Robert Marcus "Mark" MILLER Reverand
Source #1
1850 Newton County Texas Census; Household # 151-151
(lists Marcus, Elizabeth and son James Cason)
MILLER,(Robert) Marcus 27 m Decatur Co. GA Farmer $300
(b) 15 Aug 1822
(d) 16 Feb 1872
(m) 30 Sep 1845 GA
(Arvilla) Elizabeth (HARE) 20 f GA
(d) 22 Oct 1860
(f) Thomas C. HARE
(m) 30 Sep 1845 GA
James Cason 1 m GA
(b) 12 Jan 1848
(d) 8 Jan 18901860 Newton County Texas Census; Household # 301-301
===============================================Miller Marcus 37 M Farmer Georgia
Averilla 31 F Georgia
James C. 11 M Georgia
Mary J. 9 F Texas
Stephen M 7 M Texas
Robert M 3 M Texas
Joseph A 2 M Texas
Source #2
Information on Marcus Miller and his ancestory was obtained form L. C.Platt's Miller Gedcom.Source #3
Information on Robert Marcus Miller and his wives and their childrenobtained and updated from email correspondance information obtained fromYolanda Millerdated 9/26/98. Source #4
From the book, NEWTON COUNTY NUGGETS, published by the Newton CountyHistorical Commission, is related the following information on the MillerFamily written by Dr. Arthur A. Miller:
"The Millers came by this name because they were millers of grain.They originated in England and were brought to Georgia by JamesOglethorpe; who founded a settlement there for people fleeing fromdebtors prison in England....
In the 1820, 1830, and 1840 census taken in Georgia, there wereMillers living in every county. The land in the southwestern section ofGeorgia was Creek Indian country and this is where Early County wasfounded in 1818. In 1823 a section of Early County became DecaturCounty, and Baker County was established in 1825. These counties becamethe foundation for Calhoun, Miller, and Mitchell Counties in the years1854, 1856 and 1857.
Rev. Robert Marcus, a Baptist Preacher, his wife, Averilla ElizabethHare and their son James Cason, settled in the Spears Chapel settlement,five miles east of Burkeville. They had six children before Averilladied. Four Hare families, originally from South Carolina, also came toTexas. Thomas Cason Hare and his wife Lucretia were probably the parentsof Averilla Elizabeth Hare Miller. They are all buried at the TannerCemetery about a mile east of Burkeville.....
A neighbor of the Robert Marcus family was Robert Cousins, born inVirginia. Robert Cousins was married to Sarah Jane Jorden, born inAlabama; they had six children before Robert died.
Another member of the community was Tom Byerly, he had lost his wifeMatilda, so Tom and Sarah Jane Jorden Cousins got married. Tom and Sarahhad one son, Caleb, before the death of Tom.
Sarah Jane Jorden Cousins Byerly then married Rev. Robert MarcusMiller, they proceeded to add six more children to their already largefamily. Their oldest, George Washington Miller was born in 1862; theiryoungest son, Levi was born in 1872, six months after Robert Marcuspassed away.
This left Sarah Jane with the responsibility of nineteen children.
Grandmother Sarah's youngest daughter died at the age of seven.Sarah's second oldes child, a daughter, Eppse Cousins, married RobertMarcus's oldest son, Jim, in 1868--Marcus performed the ceremony.Sarah's oldest daughter, Lizzi, married Jim Phelps.
Caroline Cousin married Riley Phelps; Bill and Clark Cousin and ClayByerly, married Frances, Reena, and Rosie Woods. John Cousin marriedMelissa Testin--who stayed in Newton County and lives in the Blue Hills.
The last five children of Robert Marcus Miller started marrying in1875.
Mary Jane Miller married John W. Kerr; Steve Miller married MarthaKerr in 1877; Beth Elizabeth Miller married David Kerr in 1876. Bethmarried Jim Barnett after the death of David, and they moved to
the Livingston area and are buried there. Robert Miller married RebeccaStevenson in 1878, and Joe Miller married Vicie Newberry in 1877.
The Kerrs are buried at Spears Charpel and Richard Miller is buriedat the Woods Cemetery.
Clark and Bill Cousin are buried at the Little Flock Cemetery inSabine County. Grandma Sarah is buried near by, she had been making herhome with Levi at Burkeville. Levi's youngest daughter Levee wasgrandma's favorite; she inherited grandma's trunk, her parasol, and herfeatherbed---which she still uses today.
Jake married Mittie Stevenson and they had a son, Henry. Jakethen married Florence Birdwell, they had two children, a son, Walter, anda daughter, Roxie. They lived in the Bronson area. Walter went on tothe El Paso area, where he lived for many years.
The Millers were said to be good law abiding folks, and were glad tohelp anyone in need. They were mostly farmers, they built roads, servedthe community, and attended Primitive Baptist Churches."
Miller family tradition: We came from England with James Oglethorpe.
Source #1:
"William Beckwith of VA", by Mahlon G. Erickson, indicates birth date anddeath date.
Other birth and death information obtained from MorrisUnderwood, Beckworth descendant.
Allison Beckworthoffered the following notes:
1. Ananias is buried in the front year of his farm/home place nearAvera, GA.
2. information taken from Maxwell Beckworth's "The Beckworth FamilyHeritage Book".
Notes: (provided by Morris Underwood)Buried in Perdue cemetery which is near Stapleton, GA.
The following directions as given by Al Beckworth: From Wrens GA take GaRoad 102 West to Stapleton. When you get to Stapleton, look for the GARoad 296. At the intersection of Road 296 and 102 in Stapleton stay onRoad 102 and go 1.4 miles to Clark Road on your right. Turn right ontoClark Road (it is a dirt road) and go 0.4 miles. The grave yard is inthe front yard of the house. Al thinks it was painted blue the last timehe was there.
The grave now has a concrete slab which was poured by Al Beckworth, hisoldest son Mike, and Al's uncle Hancel Beckworth in January 1979. Priorto that the only thing thre was a small cement head marker which is stillthere. In January 1979 they also placed a steel marker on the grave.In 1996 a granite headstone was placed on the grave site. In the hasteto get it done the name of Ananias's first wife, Elizabeth Thompkins, wasmispelled Thompson. They plan to have another headstone made, or the onetherenow, to correct the spelling.
In the 1850 Census, Ananias was in the 90th Sub-division of WarrenCounty, GA.
Source: 1850 Warren Co., GA Census, 1860 Glascock Co., GA Census, BookTombstoning Jefferson Co GA.
Source #1:
Information obtained from Morris Underwood, Beckworth descendant andAllison Beckworth who listed the following as his resources:
1. Originial page nuber 36 of Maxwell Beckworth's "The BeckworthFamily Heritage Book"
changed to page number 37-1
2. Updated with information in letter between Hazel Clark ofPampas, TX and Ken Gillian of Dawsonville, GA, dated may 1994, which sheprovided me in Jan 1995.
Notes: Deed Book A, p 89, Glascock County, GA dated November 27, 1858,states that Richard Powell, for and in consideration of the natural loveand affection which he has for Anna and Willis Beckworth gives them 400acres of land, more or less, in Glascock County.
Source: 1850 Warren Co., 1860 Glascock CO., GA Federal Censuses, FamilyMember George Kenneth Gillian, Copy of Marriage Certificate from HazelClark Beckworth, Inventory of his Estate & Inventory and Sale of Anna'sPerishable Property, Warren County Deed Book Y404.
Was said to be redheaded and hot tempered.
Source # 1
COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project withpermission
The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio,
801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Census of Jasper, Municipality of Bevil, May 1, 1835.
Nacogdoches Archives, Vol. 85, pp. 247-300.
William BIERLY, Single Farmer 25
COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project withpermission
The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio,
801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Census of Jasper, Municipality of Bevil, May 1, 1835.
Nacogdoches Archives, Vol. 85, pp. 247-300.
John BROWN Married Farmer 30
Rebecca GOOD, Married 22
Martha BROWN1
Negroes, 1
Source #1:
1860 Lawrence County Mississippi Census
In an 1850 Lawrence County , Mississippi Census microfilm, I found thefollowing:
visit #142
ORREN, MARY---age 53---female---Farmer---Personal EstateValue=$800---Birth Arkansas
ROMALEY ORREN---age 26---male---birth, North Carolina
ROBERT ORREN---age 22---male---birth, North Carolina
AMANDA ORREN---age 21---female---birth, North Carolina
WILLIAM ORREN---age 18---male---birth, North CarolinaTherefore, if this is our Amanda Orren, married to David Ward, they hadto have been married later in 1850 or later. Their son Pleas was born in1857. So that would make better sense. Because in 1850 she wasobviously still living with her widowed mother, Mary and her threebrothers. Therefore, it is also more likely that Amanda and David Wardmarried in Mississippi.
According to Marion's grandson, Herman Eugene Ward, Marion had a farm inLeesville, LA, but when the slaves were freed, he left Louisiana andmoved to Texas, leaving behind his land.
Source #1:
1880 Vernon Parish Louisiana Federal Census
Household # 207 207 page 122
Source #1:
According to 1870 Rapides Parish Louisiana Federal Census, Household #657, he was born in Louisiana, age 45, Farmer.
Source #2:
Pamela Tatum, Genealogist
121 Meadowbrook Drive, Nacogdoches, TX 75961
Source #3:
1840 Calcasieu Parish Louisiana Federal Census lists a Stephen andWilliam GOINS. William Lawrence GOINS, son, was born 1859 in CalcasieuParish.
1870 Rapides Parish Louisiana Federal Census lists her name as Delsia age42 born in Louisiana.
Source #1
1910 Newton County Texas Census; Household #6-6
SHAVER, J. S. Head M W 63 M 35 LA ALLA Farmer
Lou Wife F W 50 M 35 8 8 LAAL TX
DUVAL, Joe Grandson M W 8 S LATX TX
Source #1
Dates for Larkin Murphy were obtained from Carson Ray in an email dated:10 Aug 1998. He indicates that his birth was either 11/1848 or 6/20/1849in Leake, Mississippi.
Source #2
Information Larkin Murphy and children updated in December 1998 frominformation obtained from Owen G. Vaughn, Jr. another Murphy Researcher,in an email dated 11/7/98. Email Address: "Owen G. Vaughn, Jr."
Source #3:
Pg. 12, Precinct #4, 11 June 1870.
MURPHY, Larkin 21 M W Farmer$500 MS RW
Hellen 23 F W HousekeepingTX RW
J. Richard 7/12 M WTX (Oct)86/86
MURPHY, Richard 40 M W Farmer$500 AL W
Elizabeth 45 F W HousekeepingNC W
Samuel 17 M W At homeMS RW
Mary Jane 15 F W At homeMS
Andrew 13 M W At homeTX
Arabella 6 F WTX
Ema 3 F WTX
Email from Marydated 22 Feb 1999
Source #4:
1880 Polk County Texas Census
Larkin U. Murphy 32 Miss Alabama Alabama
Helen C. 24 Texas Mississippi Alabama
Richard L. V. 10 son Texas Mississippi Texas
John T. 9 son (married Sally Davis)
Nancy E. 7 dau
George Oscar 6 son
Mary J. 4 dau
Davy Crockett 2 son
James W. 3/12 son
Sally Lowe 1 guardianThey called Sally, Aunt Poss.
(Email from Cynthia Watsondated 17 Feb 1999)
All information on this Sally Lowe and beyond is purely speculative,based on several family history accounts of living descendants of theLowe and Murphy lines. It is told that Sally Lowe died in childbirthwith Larkin M. Murphy's illegitimate child whom they raised and namedafter her, "Sallie Lowe". Census Records indicate that her child wasborn in Aug 1878. But her child's Death Certificate indicates her birthwas 21 May 1874 (the Death Certificate information was provided bySallie's daughter Myrtlee Shaver Walker. And the Father of Sallie,listed on the certificate is incorrectly listed as Sam Murphy. So it ispossible that the birth date is in error as well.)