In Alfred Cuthbert "A.C." Sims' memoirs of the Civil War, he tells thathe joined up with General Hood's Texas Regiment in Georgia after thedeath of his twin brother, Hub in Arkansas. His elder brother, Tom, wasan officer in the Confederate Army. A.C. suffered much illness duringthe period he was in Georgia. Upon the end of the fighting, he returnedhome to East Texas where he was a teacher and later a Baptist Minister.He married Rachell Segrest. About 3 months after the birth of ApplessArabella, Rachell died, leaving A.C. with 5 children under the age of10. In August 1884 he wrote a proposal of marriage to a maiden woman of31 years. They married in September. His letter of proposal was veryeloquent and follows below:
Beech Grove Jasper County Texas
August 8th, 1884Miss Fannie Allen,
I trust that you will forgive my presumption in thus addressing youwithout first having obtained your permission to do so. Though I am astranger to you yet your bright smiles haunts me still so that you nolonger seem as a stranger to me and I cannot forbear the temptationlonger that I have to make known to you some of my thoughts, affectionsand wishes and fearing lest I should not have such an opportunity as Iwould desire to express my sentiments, were I to visit you, I have desireto express my sentiments, were I to visit you, I have concluded to adoptthis medium of expression. Affection is sometimes of slow growth andagain it srpings up in a moment and I hope you will pardon me forconfessing the truth by declaring to you my love for you at first sightand you will not, I trust think it so strange of it when you shall learnof the favorable reports which I have received of you which taken inconnection with your personal beauty I think sifficient cause to engagethe affections of even the most fastidious.
I of course cannot hope to have made so favorable an impression onyour mind on so short an acquantance but I do not know what is in youheart or what might be hereafter and I therefore desire to giveexpression to my feelings and learn my fate before it is too late. Iwish that you may therefore after serious consideration of this letter toinform me whether or not I shall cherish this feeling or shall I smotherit at once. I fully believe that when two like hearts meet that it is nodifficult task for them to determine that fact and I cannot helpentertaining a hope that your s are one that I am in search of and infurther testimony there of I will relate to you a strange circumstance.Before arriving at your house last Sunday, I asked a sign of the Lordthat if either of the three ladies that were there should be the one thatshe might show it by asking me if I had not been to dinner. I hope thatthe answer is from the Lord and that he may awaken in your bosom thesame feeling that I know experience for you. If you should see fit toanswer this letter direct ot me at Town Bluff, Texas, if you should wishto send it by hand you need not be afraid to deposit it with you CousinDug as she is aware that I ahve written this to you but no one else,RespectfullyA. C. Sims
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Last Will and Testiment of Alfred Cuthbert Sims
State of Texas Jasper Texas, Jan. 21, 1903
Jasper CountyTo all whom it may concern: Know by these presence that it ismy will that my beloved wife F. A. Sims after my decease shall retainfull possession of all that is called mine as a means of support untilher death provided, however, she remain single. In the event that sheshould marry again or die, all properties in anywise belonging to me beequally divided between my ten children. Written with mine own hand this21st day of January A.D. 1903.
A. C. Sims
17. Rachell Laura Arabella SEGREST
"William F Dews II"
"Candie Sims Witherspoon"
Rachel Segrest
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:52:40 -0400Candie:
Is it SEAGREST or SEGREST? In any case, I may be on to something here;
I think Rachel Laurel Arabella Segrest may be a sibling of one of my
Segrest ancestors after all (I think I have responded to a similar queryfrom
you before but a second look at data usually turns up new ideas!).In "Tyler County Texas Marriage Records 1846-1917" (compiled by Jim and
Ann Crews Laird, Conroe Texas, 1997), on page 139, I find the following:GROOM BRIDE ISSUED MARRIED
Sims, A.C. Segrest, R.A. 12/6/1869 12/8/1869
12/18/1869BOOK: 2/3, PAGE 135.
In 1860 Census of Tyler County, TX, Jacob SECRIST (Jacob Segrest, Jr.)
and family are listed, including "R.A.," aged 9, male (microfilm reel
#1306, page 44, dwelling 292, family 301). Jacob is my grandfather'sdirect
male great-grandfather. Then, in 1870 Census of Tyler County, Texas,Jacob
Segrist [same man as in 1860 census] is listed with his family and, in
the same household, there is the family of... Alfred C. SIMS (aged 25),his
wife Rachel A. (aged 19, born in Alabama), a domestic servant named Rose,
and a farm laborer named Doak, both of whom are black (microfilm reel#1606,
p. 18, dwelling 446, family # 446 (for both)).OK, so a woman named Rachel A. lives with her husband in the house of
Jacob Segrist; are they related? Why else would they be living there, INTHE
SAME HOUSE?!? Further, the ages of Rachel A. and R.A correspond---she is
the same age in 1860 as R.A. the purported son of Jacob. Could the 1860
census be wrong in listing R.A. as male? R.A. Secrist (Segrest) of 1860and
all older siblings are born in Alabama, where my ancestor came to after
leaving from South Carolina. R.A. was the last child born in Alabamabefore
the family relocated to Tyler County, in about 1853."The Segrest Saga" also gives R.A. as a son, but this is likely taken
from the 1860 Census. No further information follows this line in thebook,
so it could also be erroneous.Further suggesting that "R.A." is Rachel Arabella is the fact that your
webpage shows one of her sons as Stephen Day Sims. Stephen Day is the
grandfather of R.A. Segrest, son (or daughter ?) of Jacob Segrist, Jr.,
and Martha L. Day.This might be the key to the code on Rachel Laurel Arabella Segrest. I
think you should track down the 1860 and 1870 Census records of Tyler
county and see what information you can glean. From what I can surmisehere,
her parents might very well be Jacob Segrist, Jr., born 26 Nov 1808 in
Orangeburg Co., SC, died 4 Jul 1870, Tyler Co., TX; married Martha L.
Day, born 26 Apr 1818 in Macon Co., AL, died 15 Sep 1903 in Tyler Co.,TX.
I can go back from both of them, farther with Martha.Let me know what you think of my assessment.
Source #1
1850 Newton County Texas Census; Household #102-102
obtained from Emmett Cox of Point Clear, Alabama; Email Address:
Source #2
Email from James B. Halldated 8/16/1998.
Information provided by Morris Underwood, Beckworth descendant of TX, andAllison Beckworth of SC.
1. Married his 1st cousin, Amanda Beckworth. (Who is the daughterof Willis Beckworth and Anna Powell.)
Notes: (provided by Morris Underwood)
Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia lists a Simeon (or Simon)Beckworth enlisted as private in Company E, 5th Regiment, GA State TroopsOctober 12, 1861, Mustered out May 1862. Enlisted as a private inCompany G, 32nd Regiment, GVI, Army of Tennessee, Emanuel County, GA May7, 1862. Transferred to Company C, 1st Battalion, GA Sharpshooters July30, 1862. Sick in General Hospital August 1864.
(Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia)
Notes and sources provided by Allison Beckworth of SC:
1. Amanda married her 1st cousin, Simon who was the son of Ananiasand Elizabeth Beckworth. She was the daughter of Willis II and AnnaPowell
2. Updated from notes provided by Hazel Clark of Pampa, TX in Jan1995.
Tombstone located in the Byerly Campground Cemetary, west-northwest ofJasper, in Jasper County, Texas; Curtis Community. There are no dates onthe Tombstone. Only his name and the following:
" CO I 1 Texas Calvery C.S.A."
Pleas owned 500 acres of land on the Pearl River, in Monticello,Mississippi.
He and some of his brothers got drunk one day and was horseback ridingand came up on a large group of Negroes having a dinner on the riverbanks. Words were passed. Pleas got mad and started shooting them. Mygrandfather, H. E. Ward says they almost dammed the Pearl River with them.
As a result, Pleas and his brothers fled to Texas and settled there andspread out all over Texas, even up into Oklahoma.Buried near 1st Wife, Fannie Cassels, in a little cemetary on the bankof Lake Sam Rayburn.
Sally Hornsby was murdered in her home in Hattesburg, Mississippi. Shewas found in her bed with her throat slit Lee Garvin, her ex-husband,though never convicted, has always been suspected by the family.
It is said that Oscar was conceived illegitimately by a Doctor Hollis.He was raised by William Lawrence Goines, and though there is no recordof a legal adoption, Oscar took on the Goines name. Oscar's motherMelissa was married to another unknown Goins who left her a widow beforeOscar was born.
Information on William Lawrence Goins and his Ancestory is obtained frominformation obtained from Pamela Tatum of Nacogdoches, Texas and from theGowen Research Foundation, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, by Sherry LouiseMartin Chitty, (Seventh-generation Goins Granddaughter).
In a 1900 Census, I found Mallissa Goins living with her father ThomasDawson and her sister, Henrietta. The census recorded Mallissa Goins asa widow with one living child. The child listed with her is FlorenceGoins, born June 1898, one year old. She must have still been pregnantwith Oscar at the time the Census was taken. Since Oscar was born inApril, the Census had to have been taken before April 1900.
The Census recorded in Rapides Parish, LA shows William Lawrence Goineshaving several brothers named William. (A genealogists headache)
Mallissa is buried in the Beech Grove Methodist Cemetary in Leesville,Vernon Parish, Louisiana. Her marker reads Mallissa Goins Hamilton. Sheremarried after William Lawrence's death. She is buried not far from aLarance Goins. His marker is almost illegible. I believe this is theburial place of William Lawrence Goins.
Family Lore indicates that Riley was of Irish Descent. Sissy ShaverWilliams tells that Riley wouldn't let grass grow in his front yard.They kept it swept with a broom to keep the grass from growing. This issupposedly due to his Irish Heritage. I am assuming it is due tosuperstitious beliefs of some sort.
Sallie's Death Certificate indicates her birth date was: May 21,1874.
The 1880 Polk County Texas Census indicates her birth date was in Aug1878.
In an email dated 14 Feb, 1999, Cynthiawrote:
"Sally was born after Richard was born. They (Larkin and Helen Murphy)did not move to Polk County until after Richard was born in 10-19-1869,most of the kids were already born at that time. The story went thatLarkin's wife was ill and the Lowe girl, Sally, was there helping out andLarkin got her pregnant. When the baby was born, Sally died, and herparents sent word that they were leaving the county and they were leavingthe baby at the fork of the road if they didn't want her the bears andwolves could have her. Then Helen got the message and sent the boysafter the baby. They called her Sally after her mother."
In an email dated 14 Feb, 1999, Cynthia Murphy Watsonwrote:
"Sally Lowe #1 was not married to a Lowe, that was her parents name.Larkins father was
Richard Murphy born 1820 in Al. married 5-28-1843 in Lauderdale CountyMiss. His wife was Elizabeth Moore born Nov.1822 Al. She died in PolkCounty May 10 1910. Sally to my knowledge never went by the name ofMurphy. Miss Sallie Lowe and Mr.Uriah Shaver married Dec.8,1900 in PolkCounty Texas city of Livingston. Just found this in my files."
Source #3:
1880 Polk County Texas Census
Larkin U. Murphy 32 Miss Alabama Alabama
Helen C. 24 Texas Mississippi Alabama
Richard L. V. 10 son Texas Mississippi Texas
John T. 9 son (married Sally Davis)
Nancy E. 7 dau
George Oscar 6 son
Mary J. 4 dau
Davy Crockett 2 son
James W. 3/12 son
Sally Lowe 1 guardianThey called Sally, Aunt Poss.
(Email from Cynthia Watsondated 17 Feb 1999)
Source #4:
OBITUARY of Sally Murphy Shaver
(Obituary provided by Sissy Shaver Williams of Jasper, TX in Email dated23 Feb 1999.)
Mrs. Shaver, 100 died of Illness; Services today.
Bronson (spl)--Funeral services for Mrs. Sally Murphy Shaver, 100, ofBronson will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, in Bronson Baptist Church.The Rev. Noel Hammock, pastor of Little Flock Baptist Church willofficiate. Burial will be in the Bronson Cemetary under the direction ofStarr Funeral Home of Hemphill.
Grandsons will be pallbears.
Mrs. Shaver died at 1 p.m., Tuesday, at the home of a daughter, Mrs.Myrtlee Walker, after a long illness. She was a native of Polk Countyand had lived in Bronson 40 years. She was a member of the Little FlockBaptist Church.
Survivors are three sons Bud, Joe, and Louis Shaver, all of Jasper; twodaughters, Mrs. Bertie Goines of Jasper and Mrs. Myrtlee Walker ofBronson; three brothers, Roy and John Lowe and Sam Murphy, all ofCleveland; 26 grandchildren; 50 great grandchildren and a number ofgreat-great grandchildren.
Source #5:
1900 Polk County Texas Census
Source #6:
Tombstone in the Bronson Cemetery, Bronson, Texas indicates birth of1866, death 1966. But Federal Census records indicate birth of 1878.
--- mclouwrote:
Dear Candie,I spent the afternoon in the genealogy library in Conroe. I don't thinkI found anything of great importance. I also called a Lowe descendantthat lives in Polk County. She said that her grandfather
was Everett Lowe. I knew that her parents were John and Bertha Lowe.
She couldn't recall a name for her great grandfather. On the 1860 TylerCounty census there is a John Lowe (age 30) whose wife is Elizabeth (age32). Their children were listed only as initials. They were
W. A. (10), R (8), S (6) Female, M (4), M. A. (2), and H (3/12.On the 1880 Polk County census they were listed:
John Lowe (49), Elizabeth Lowe (51)---with only one child George E. (thiscould be George Everett.)
On the 1880 census Sally Lowe was listed as one year old. She was livingwith Larkin Murphy. On the soundex card it read " relationship notreported".
John Lowe was in the Civil War. I found the record in a book in thelibrary. It reads: Born July 1, 1830. Edgefield Dist. South Carolina.Died Oct. 6, 1899. Buried Menard Chapel Cemetery, Polk County, Texas.
Enlisted March 30, 1862, Polk County, as a private, Company E, 20th TexasInfantry, Elmore's Regiment. Residence-Tyler County, Texas.
Occupation-farmer. Sept. 23, 1863, on duty with the Harbor Police,Galveston Bay. On detached service with the Quartermaster Dept.,March-June 1864. Transferred to Company G, July 1864. August 1864, onfurlough. Jan. - Feb. 1865, on detached duty with the QuartermasterDept. Company disbanded May 1865. Surrendered to E. Kirby Smith,
June 2, 1865, Galveston.
Larkin Murphy was listed on the 1880 census as 32 years old. His wife,Helen, ws 34. Their children were: Richard (10), John T. (9), Nancy(7), George (6), Mary (4), Davy (2), James W. (3/12), and Sally Lowe(1). BUSY FELLOW WASN'T HE!
Larkin's brother, Sam, was married to someone in my ncestry. Maybe thetwo brothers had something in common. Sam had nine children by myrelative. She died. He remarried and had nine more children.
One of his sons told me that he was the meanest man that ever lived. Ialso found a Martha Shaver in Polk County in 1860. She was a widow.Four females were listed as her children. They were Posthena, Sarah,Mary, and Margaret.Norma Hammond McLoughlin