Last Will and Testament of Alfred Cuthbert SIMS
Jasper Texas, January 21, 1903
State of Texas
Jasper County
To all whom it may concern:
Know by these presence that it is my will that my beloved wife
F. A. Sims after my decease shall retain full possession of all
this is called mine as a means of support until her death provided,
however, she remain single. In the event that she should marry
again or die, all properites in anywise belonging to me be equally
divided between my ten children. Written with mine own hand this
21st day of January A. D. 1903.
A. C. Sims
Last Will and Testament of William SIMS
Last Will and Testament of
William Sims, dec'd.
Registered May 3, 1815
"In the name of God Amen. I, William Sims Senr. of the State of Georgia and County of Columbia, being weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament and do dispose of the property which it has pleased the Almighty to help me with in manner and form following,
First--It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid by my executors herein after named.
Item--I give and bequeath to my son, Mann Sims, One Dollar to him and his heirs forever.
Item--I give and bequeath to my daughter, Ann Hendly Cowen, One Dollar to her and her heirs forever.
Item--I give and bequeath to my daughter, Peggy Hanson, One Dollar to her and her heirs forever.
Item--I give and bequeath to my son, Lenny Sims, One Dollar to him and his heirs forever.
Item--I give and bequeath to my executors herein after mentioned all the rest and residue of my real and personal Estate during the life of my daughter, Aggy Sims, in trust upon the following terms, stipultions and conditions,to wit that the whole of my real and personal Estate shall be kept together during the life of my said daughter Aggy and that the profits of the same shall be applied to her support and maintenance and the surplus if any, shall be applied to the general improvement of my Estate at the discretion of my executors. It is also my will and desire that my daughter-in-law, Mary Penn Sims, have the care and direction of my daughter Aggy during her life.
Item--After the death of my daughter Aggy, I give and bequeath the tract of land whereon I now live, containing one hundred and fifty acres (more or less) to my grandson William Sims, (son of Abner Sims) and if he should die without heirs then in that case I do give and bequeth to the next oldest surviving son of my son Abner Sims to him and his heirs forever.
Item--All the rest and residue of my Estate of every description I give and bequeath (after the death of my daughter Aggy Sims) to my daughter-in-law, Mary Penn Sims, widow of Abner Sims to her and her heirs forever.
Lastly--I do constitue and appoint my friends, John W. Smith and Peter Crawford, Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and annulling all other will or wills, heretofore made by me and only ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of March, 1813.
Signed, sealed and pronounced by the testator as his last will and testament in our presence, Thomas Parker, L. B. Smith and Charles T. Bealle."
William Sims, Senr.
(This will is filed in Will Book H, pp. 335-336, Columbia County Georgia.)
Last Will and Testament of Mann SIMS
Last Will and Testament of
Mann Sims, dec'd.
Written: May 15, 1822
Proved: March 3, 1823
in the County of Columbia,
Georgia State.
"I, Mann Sims, of said state and county, being at this time in tolerable health of body and of perfect mind and disposing memory, but calling to mind the uncertainty of death and wishing to preserve harmony and contentment in family after my departure--bequeath my soul to God.
First, Beloved wife, Margaret, Negro girl Salina, to dispose of at her death as she thinks proper.
Second, All remainder of real and personal property to wife during her life or while she remains a widow.
Third, To son, William Sims, one Negro man Steppe, a horse to the value of $50.00, a good saddle and bridle, two cows and calves, sow and pigs.
Fourth, To son, John Sims, 200 acre tract of land in Warren County on Ogeechee River, one Negro woman Sook and her child Cinda.
Fifth, To son, Horatio, two Negroes Peter and Lydia, also two Negroes he has in his possession, named Lucy and George, against who there are two judgments, but when these are paid he is to remain in full and free possession of said Negroes. Tract on Greenbrier Creek.
Sixth, Daughter Susan Pullin, one Negro man, George and girl, Nelly and $500.00.
Seventh, Son Ninian Sims, one Negro man Dick, a horse, bridle and saddle and $250.00, two cows and calves, sow and pigs.
Eighth, Daughter, Mary Ann Sims, four Negroes; Dave, Judy, Sidney and Mary, a horse worth $50.00, saddle and bridle, two cows and calves, a sow and pigs.
Wife, Margaret, Executrix, sons, John and Horatio, Executors and friend Arthur Foster."
Mann Sims
Mary Foster
Ann Davis
Jacob Downs
Arthur Foster
(This will recorded in Will Book W, pp.79-83, Columbia County Georgia.)
Last Will and Testament of John Philip Casper BYERLY
In the name of God Amen I Casper Byerly Senr of the State of South Carolina and
Newberry District being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory
thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it
is apointed for all men once to die make and ordain this my last Will and Testament
that is to say - Principally and first of all - I do hereby recommend my Soul into
the hands of the almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth, to
be buried in decent Christian manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing
doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the
mighty power of God and so touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to
bless me in this life I give, demise, and despose of the same in the following
manner and form .....
First, I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Elisabeth Byerly one negro
wench named Sall - two cows and calves to be hers and her heirs.
Secondly, I give to my beloved son John Byerly a negro boy named Peter, one sorrel
horse called Prushia to be his and his heirs.
Thirdly, I give to my son Frederick Byerly, one negro child of the increase of the
above named Sall, if any there should be. Also one horse, a note of hand from John
Hipp. Also one hundred acres of land to be divided between him and his brother John
Byerley each 50 acres.
Fourthly, I give to my beloved daughter Margretta one negro girl named Milly, one
cow and calf ....
Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Byerly one negro woman named
Doll and if said woman should have any more increase she to give one child to my
daughter Magdelena ...
Sixthly, I give to my beloved daughter Magdelena one cow and calf and one negro
child if so be the above named Doll increases heareafter.
Seventhly, I give to my son Martin five shilling sterling so also a negro girl
named Pegg on provison he gives to my son namely Sibert and Gasper Byerly one child
to each of the increase of said negro girl named Pegg.
Also I give to my son Gasper Byerly five shillings sterling to also I give to my
son Sibert Byerly five shillings sterling to his portion out of my estate. Also I
give to my beloved son John Byerly one negro boy named Cato, as also he himself
John Byerly and Frederick Byerly to have equal share in the waggon. Gaspur Byerly
to live in my present dwelling house as long as he sees cause.
Lastly I constitute, make and ordain John Moretz Hartman and John Hipp the sole
executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow,
revoke, and disanull all and every other former testament, wills, legacies,
bequests, and executors by me in any wise here to fore named, willed, bequeathed,
testifying & confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In
witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this twelth day of January
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four. Signed sealed
published pronounced and declared by the said Casper Byerly as his last will and
testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each
other have here unto subscribed our name.
Signed by Peter Dickert, Henry Furr, Ulrich Kuhn, Casper Byerly, recorded in will
book E page 59, proved March 12, 1804.
Last Will and Testament of Edward GOOD
Written 17 June 1859,
Recorded 30 January 1860
Jasper County, TX
Probate Records Book C pg. 282-284
And now comes Joseph W. Good and Louisa D. C. Good and offers the last will and testament of Edward Good deceased.
And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the notice required by law had been given and there being no objection made to the probate of the said will, and the same having been proven as the law directs by the oath of Hardy Pace one of the subscribing witnesses to said will and testament.
It was therefore ordered adjuged and decreed by the court that the said last will and testament of Edward Good deceased be and is hereby admitted to probate and it is further ordered by the court that the same be recorded.
STATE OF TEXAS ) June the 17th 1859
In the name of God Amen. I Edward Good being of sound mind under standing, and being also impressed with the great uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, and being desirous to dispose of my temporal affairs so that after my death no contention may arise relative to the same.
First: I bequeath my soul to God who gave and my body to the dust from whence it was taken, hoping for a happy immortality through the atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My desire is that I be buried by the side of my dear departed wife in our family grave yard.
Secondly: that all my just debts be paid out of my personal estate, by my executors herein after named.
Thirdly: In consideration of the long and faithful service of my negro man Jess and his wife Aggy if they should be alive at my decease it is my desire and will that they never be separated and I do give and grant to them the privilege of choosing which one of my children they may desire to live with, and that they are not be accounted for in the partition by the child they select, but he or she to take care of and provide for them in their old age.
Fourthly: I desire that the balance of my negros be as equally divided as can be between my children that has helped me to raise them to wit: Hannibal Good, James D. Good, Harriet C. Stephenson, Louisa D. C. Good, Joseph W. Good and Minor P. Good share and share alike, and to the heirs of my deceased daughter Rebecca Brown I give and bequeath one seventh part of the appraised value of the negros divided as above provided for, to be paid to them out of my estate in cash to be paid to them in one year from my decease, and my reason for not giving to them one of my negros is that some of them is now of age and the negro would have to be sold for partition among and leaving to them the full worth or theirs mothers part in money they should not think I have neglected them, and I direct my executor hereafter named to retain in their hands sufficient of my estate to pay the above bequest.
Fifthly: I desire that the balance of my property be equally divided in seven parts one for each of my children and one for the heirs of my deceased daughter Rebecca Brown.
Sixthly: It is my earnest desire and wish that all the above partition and distribution of my property to be made by my children themselves, they certainly being as capable of doing so as other people.
Seventhly: I appoint my son Joseph W. Good and my daughter Louisa D. C. Good executor of this my last will and testament and that no security or bond shall be requested of them for the faithful execution of the trust herein reposed in them, and it is my desire that there shall be no administration of my estate and that my exectors be only required to settle with the minor heirs of my deceased daughter Rebecca Brown, but shall not in any manner be required to report any of their proceeding to any court whatever (the words "More than the probate" in the above line erased before signed). In testimony whereof I have on this 17th day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, set my hand and affix my seal using a scrawl for a seal, hereby revoking all wills heretofore made by me in presence of these subscribing witnessess.
Edward Good Seal
H. Good
Samuel Good
Minor P. Good
Hardy Pace
Before me Gideon J. Good Chief Justice in and for said County personally appeared Hardy Pace to me well known and being by me duly sworn upon his aoth says that Edward Good acknowledged the within and foregoing instrument of writing to be his last will and testament and that he signed the same as a witness at the request of the said Edward Good and that he
believes that the said Edward Good was of sound mind and memory at the time he made the declaration to him that the same was his last will and testament.
Hardy Pace
Sworn to and subscribed before me
on this January 30th 1860 test
my hand and official seal
(L.S.) G. J. Goode Chief Justice J. C.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original will of Edward Good and also of the affidavit of Hardy Pace and certificate of G. J. Goode Chief Justice of Jasper County there unto appended given under my hand this 30th day of January A. D. 1860.
H. Good Clerk Co. Court J. C
Film number 1005133: Jasper County Probate Records Volumes A-C
Viewed at the Beaverton Stake Family History Center in Beaverton, OR on November 10, 1996.
Last Will and Testament of Thomas D. GOWEN
The succession of "Thomas Goin," dated May 13, 1826, was probated in Lafayette Parish, according to "Southwest Louisiana Records" by Rev. Donald J. Hebert.
"State of Louisiana }
Lafayette Parish }
Be it remembered that on this eighteenth Day of May Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six Before me, Thomas B. Brashear, Judge of the Parish of Lafayette and Ex-officio Notary Public within and for said Parish personally came and appeared James Taylor White, one of the Testamentary executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Gowens, late of said parish, deceased and also appeared Nancy Gowens, widow of said deceased and Stephen Gowens, Aramintha Gowens and Sally Gowens of full age, Thomas Gowens, nineteen years of age, duly emancipated and aided and assisted in these presents by Lancelot Porter, his special curator, also Anne Gowens of the Province of Texas and duly represented in these presents by her curatrix and mother, Nancy Gowens, all the legal heirs and descendants of the said deceased who have declared and confessed that on the 22nd day of May 1825 the said Thomas Gowens Sen. did execute his last will and testament by which he bequeathed and divided his title property as follows, viz:
Item 1st of said will: He gave to Nancy Gowens, his widow the following slaves, to wit: the Negro woman named Plians, aged about thirty-five years, the Negro boy named Abraham, about fourteen years of age, and the Negro girl named Violet, aged about eleven years, all slaves for life, also the household and kitchen furniture.
Item 2nd: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter, Anny Gowens, the Negro girl named Clarinda, aged about six years.
Item 3rd: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter, Aramintha Gowens one Negro boy named Aury, aged five years.
Item 4th: He gave and bequeathed to his son Stephen Gowens one Negro boy named Roger, aged ten years.
Item 5th: He gave and bequeathed to his daughter Sally Gowens a Negro girl named Kitty, aged seven years.
Item 6th: He gave and bequeathed to his son, Thomas Gowens a Negro boy named Riley, aged four years which concluded all the property of the Testator aforesaid.
And the aforesaid affirm in their different rights and capacities, that each of them for themselves and others, Viz: Represent that they received the foregoing portion of the property aforesaid. Confirmed is the will of said Testator and do by these presents make the same irrevocable and unalterable. This done on motion of an order of the Court of Probate dated this ___ day of May instant and signed by all the aforesaid parties in the presence of the Two Subscribing Witnesses and the said Notary after said due reading.
Nancy [X] Gowens Aramintha [X] Gowens Sally [X] Gowens Stephen [X] Gowens Thomas [X] Gowens"
John Merriman
James T. White
Samuel W. Pond
Last Will and Testament of William Friend MCMAHON
Contributed by Mary Gallagher
In the Name of God Amen
I Friend MCMAHON, Sr. of the County of Newton and State of Texas being in my usual good health of body and of sound and disposig mind and memory and being desirous to settle and fix my worldly affairs whilst I have strength and capacity so to do, do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.
And first and principally I commit my soul unto the hands and care of my Creator who gave it; and my body to the Earth to be buried in a plain decent manner, And as regards such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to entrust me, I dispose of the same as followeth (To wit)
First. It is my will that my son James MCMAHON shall heir and possess my whole and entire Estate both real personal and mixed. I therefore give without reserve to my Son James MCMAHON my whole and entire Estate to own use and dispose of, manage and control as he pleases.
Second. It is my will that at my demise this my last will and Testament shall be probated at the will of my Executor and that no further action shall be required to make inventory of or give bond and security for said Estate, but exercise and enjoy the same without legal cost.
Third. I do hereby make and ordain my Son James MCMAHON my Executor to this my last will and Testament.
Done, made and executed by me on this 10th day of December, A.D., 1859 with my own signature and seal in the presence of the Subscribing Witnesses.
/s/Friend MCMAHON, Sr (Seal)
/s/Adam ADAMS
Last Will and Testament of Amos BECKWITH
Nash County Will of Amos Beckwith. Nash County, NC (p.288)
May 20, 1818 Probated August Session 1818
Witnessed: L. F. Ellen and Henry Edwards
In the name of God, Amen. I Amos Beckwith of the County of Nash, State of North Carolina, being weak of body but sound mind and memory and understanding considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs in such manner that I may be prepared to die when it please God to call me hence do make and publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following, viz:
First: I lend to my beloved wife all the land I now possess during her lifetime and at the expiration thereof to go to my son Dempsey Beckwith and his heirs forever.
Item: I gave to son Henry Beckwith one dollar.
Item: I gave to my daughter Polley Braswell, one dollar. Item: I gave to my daughter Mourning Sneed, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Thomas Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Willis Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my son Sion Beckwith, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my daughter Rhoda Hunt, one dollar.
Item: I gave to my beloved wife Rhoda Beckwith, one bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever. Also my wil and desire is for my son Dempsey Beckwith to have all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep after paying my just debts to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I also gave to my beloved wife Rodah Beckwith and my son Dempsey Beckwith all my household and kitchen furniture to them and their heirs forever.
And lastly I nominate and appoint my son Dempsey Beckwith and my friend Philander Tisdale my executors of this my last Will and Testament. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of May 1818, acknowledged to be his last Will and testament in the presence of L. F. Ellen, Henry Edwards. /S/ Amos Beckwith
(Seal). Nash County, August Session 1818: The foregoing Will was exhibited in open court for probate and proven by the oath Ld. F. Ellen and Henry Edwards two subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. attest, Wm. Hall, CC. And is registered in obedience to the above order. Attest,
Wm. Hall. CC.
Last Will and Testament of Dempsey BECKWITH
In the name of God Amen. I Dempsey Beckwith, of the County of Nash, State of North Carolina, being of sound and disposing mind and memory knowing the uncertainty of my earthly existance do publish this my last Will and Testament. I give to my beloved wife Martha all my property of every kind and quality to be hers absolutely to dispose of in any way she may think proper, I do hereby appoint my wife Martha, Executor to this my last Will and Testament in testimony whereof which I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 13th day of August AD 1853.
Witness: W. T. Arrington, Charles Gay, James B. Ellen. Dempsey [X] Beckwith (Seal).
State of North Carolina, Court of pleas and quarter session, Nash County August term 1854. A paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Dempsey Beckwith, offered for probate on oath of W. T. Arrington, Charles Gay and James B. Ellen the subscribing witnesses thereto and duly proven whereupon the Executor Martha Beckwith there in named is duly qualified and is ordered to be recorded.
Attest G. W. Ward, CCC. And is recorded. G. W. Ward, CCC.
Last Will and Testament of Henry BECKWITH IV
Probate Record 1803-1845 Marion Co., SC, pp 141-142, 1822, LW&T of Henry Beckwith
Henry Beckwith of the same State and District having been taken dangerously ill and not having a favorable opportunity to commist his will in writing did call in John Hamilton, Martha Hamilton, and Thomas Harlee as witnesses to his nuncupative will which was devised in the following manner.
First to his belovd wife Mourning Beckwith, he gave and bequeathed on feather bed and furniture and four cows and calves to be chosen by herself out of his stock. One young sorrell mare and to live on the plantation as long as she chose and to be supported out of his property next year. He also loaned to his said wife Mourning, during her natural life, one Negro woman Dinah and at her death he gave the said Dinah to his daughter Martha Jane.
Secondly to his beloved son Hansel Beckwith, he gave and bequeathed a Negro child wich his Negro woman Bede is now pregnant with if it hsould live to him and his heirs and apagres forever.
Thirdly to his daughter Francis Ridgell, one Negro woman named Bede but not her child which she is pregnant with which is previously disposed of to son Hansel Beckwith. To his son Amos Beckwith he gave and bequeathed one Negro man named Ned, one Negro girl named Grace and one hundred dollars. He further bequeathed that all his debts which are owing to him should be collected and all his just debts should be paid and the remaining part of his personal and perishable property should be sold and the monies arising therefrom and all the monies arising from my Estate after paying his just debts to be equally divided (except one hundred dollars which he before bequeathed to Amos Beckwith) between his three children Hansel, Sarah Pate and Rhoda Henderson. He further gave and bequeathed after the death of his wife Mourning to be equalle divided between his two children Amos Beckwith and Martha Jane Beckwith all his lands whereon he then lived at the time of his death.
Lastly he constituted David S. Harllee and John Hamilton executors of his last Will and Testament. The above Nuncupative will was made and declared the 13th of February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty two (1822) in the forty seventh year of the American Independance in presence of us who have hereunto set our hands as witnesses to the same this 16th day of February 1822. Oaths etc need to be added.
(Will Book #7 Page 141 Marion County South Carolina)